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Today, Optal is a word mark that has been and is used for a large number of products, such as optical equipment, glasses cases and putty pitch . In particular in histological laboratories in Eastern Germany , the term Optal was and is often used synonymously with 1-propanol . The reason for this is that Optal was a trademark of the Leuna-Werke in the GDR for disinfectants that consisted exclusively of 1-propanol. This word mark for disinfectants, which has existed since 1954, was transferred to the current owner (Dr. Gerhard Mann Chemisch-Pharmaceutical Factory GmbH in Berlin) in 1998 and was extended from 2010 to 2019. It is therefore not certain whether other disinfectants with this name also consist exclusively of 1-propanol. In addition, Optal has been a Henkel AG word mark for adhesives for the packaging industry since 1965 .

Individual evidence

  1. Eulitz, Christa-Maria; Scheuermann, Sigrid; Thier, Hans-Joachim (Hrsgb.): Brockhaus ABC chemistry in two volumes. Volume 2 L – ZFA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1965.
  2. Entry in the trademark register of the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA): file number DD600568 , query of May 26, 2011.
  3. Entry in the trademark register of the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA): file number 807275 , query of May 26, 2011.