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Palingenesis , also Palingenesie or Palingenesis (from the Greek palin- , “again-” and γένεσις, génesisemergence , creation, birth”), is a term used in theology, philosophy, geology, biology and in the social sciences.

  • Philosophy:
    • In ancient philosophy ( Heraklit , Stoa ) which is the Palingenesis after a world cycle to the disasters Kataklysmos or Ekpyrosis following creation.
    • In the philosophy of the Pythagoreans, Plato and in Neoplatonism, it describes the reincarnation of the soul through transmigration of souls .
    • With Nietzsche it describes the eternal return of the same.
  • Theology:
    • In Christianity it can stand for the rebirth of the inner man through baptism.
    • With Origen it describes the renewal of the whole creation at the end of time ( apocatastasis ).