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Pearl wood or "lacewood"

The wood of the South American trees Roupala cordifolia or Roupala montana and some other species such as Cardwellia sublimis , Grevillea robusta or Panopsis spp., Euplassa spp. Is used as pearl wood , also elven wood or leopard wood and English "lacewood" . and Macadamia spp. designated.


Pearlwood has a special grain in the radial section , as the medullary rays produce a pearl-like pattern.


The relatively heavy, red-brown hardwood became very popular both as parquet wood and in the turning area due to its attractive grain . Due to its rarity, it is now more used for smaller jobs, such as knife handles, as the strong, pearl-like mirror creates an expressive image even with small dimensions. Pearl wood can be sawed well, planed and sanded moderately. It has good resilience.

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