Pir (first name)

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Pir is a male given name in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg . The name is the Luxembourgish form of Peter or Petrus .


The first name Pir exists only in the Luxembourgish language and is rare in other countries. In a variant, the name also exists as a pier. This spelling only appeared in Luxembourg in the last few decades and can be traced back to the pronunciation of the name. The traditional spelling remains Pir .


When pronouncing the " r " is swallowed and converted into a descending " e " (pronunciation of the "e" as in the verb "to say")

Nicknames for Pir

(A first name derived from Pir is Pit )

  • Pireli
  • Piirchen
  • Peter

In addition, people with the double name Jean-Pierre ( Johann-Peter ) are often called Jempi or Jemp .