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Poc32 is a computer program developed by the German radio amateur Detlef Fliegl for the Windows operating system to encode and decode FLEX and POCSAG signals as they are sent out by pager operators.


The program attracted a lot of attention when it was first published in 1997, when various magazines reported on the possibility of listening to pager services such as Telmi or Scall, which were popular at the time and now largely discontinued, using Poc32.

With Poc32 it is possible for the user to read all text messages sent in his radio area in plain text and with address details with comparatively little technical effort. In the heyday of pager services, it was possible to illegally read and save many thousands of text messages every day.


A radio scanner is sufficient to operate the decoder, the audio output of which is connected to the audio input (possibly via an audio interface ) of the computer. A discriminator output that delivers a particularly clean signal is not absolutely necessary. The program decodes the incoming signal and displays the result in a table. The following are displayed:

  • Date and time of the message
  • Sound channel
  • baud rate
  • Address (Ric) of the message
  • Alias ​​of the address
  • Function of the message
  • Message text

The user has the option of using filter functions or calling up other programs for specific addresses.

See also

Legal notice

Unauthorized interception of coded messages via telecommunication channels is punished in Germany with a prison sentence of up to two years in accordance with Section 148 (1) sentence 1 of the Telecommunications Act . The only legal scope of the program is amateur radio .

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