Police choir

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Police choirs are nationwide organized choirs , which - mostly as a non-profit and registered association - consist of police officers as well as representatives of other professional groups.

There are currently 72 police choirs in the Federal Republic of Germany in the German Police Choir Association.

These are amateur choirs with contacts to (police) choirs at home and abroad.

The objective of the police choirs includes, among other things

  • promoting singing and enjoying music
  • the image cultivation of the police in the population
  • promoting collegiality within the police
  • maintaining tradition
  • the promotion of personal security
  • cultivating and developing friendships
  • the improvement of international understanding
  • acting against growing anonymity in society
  • the preservation of German songs

Police choirs are therefore an important part of the German choral landscape. In addition to shanty and pop music, her repertoire also includes traditional or church pieces.

You wear a police uniform on official occasions . Special shoulder pieces (harp embroidery) are worn. If they are law enforcement officers, they wear their shoulder pieces with the respective rank badges.

The Frankfurt police choir sang the Eintracht Frankfurt anthem In the Heart of Europe .

For the first time there is also a police children's choir in Germany. When Polizeichor Fulda eV of EPKiC (first police children's choir) was founded in January 2011th