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Porteño is derived from the Spanish "del Puerto" or "que vive en el puerto" and is used to denote a person who lives in a port city. The term can also be used as an adjective for anything that is associated with a port city. Usually Porteño refers to the port city of Buenos Aires ( Argentina ) and since the end of the 19th century, Porteños has been used to mean the inhabitants of Buenos Aires. In contrast, Bonaerense refers to a resident of the province of Buenos Aires .

As a result of the wave of European immigration around 1880, the area around the Río de la Plata , and in particular Buenos Aires, was populated with people of European origin, mainly Italians and Spaniards . In contrast, the population of the inland, and especially of the northwest of Argentina, was largely made up of Creoles , mestizos, and Native American Indians. For this reason, the residents of Buenos Aires saw themselves as different from the rest of the country and demarcated themselves with the name Porteño. This awareness continues to this day and also includes a closer proximity to the inhabitants of Montevideo ( Uruguay ), which has a similar immigration history and is also a port city.

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