Test bench 1

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A4 engine test on the test bench 1

The test stand 1 (P1) was a plant of the Peenemünde Army Research Center for conducting static firing tests. The P1 consisted of a 15 meter high concrete substructure with a steel frame on top. Railway cars with fuel could drive into this substructure. This substructure also contained a measuring room, a workshop, an office and cylinders for storing compressed nitrogen.

The P1 was designed for combustion tests of engines with a thrust of up to 1 MN . It served as the forerunner of the series test stands at Ober-Raderach ("Vorwerk-Raderach"). On April 21, 1940, the A4 rocket's engine was successfully tested for the first time on test stand 1 .

Individual evidence

  1. The series test stands at Ober-Raderach
  2. Rocket research in Peenemünde

Web links

Commons : Test Stand 1  - Collection of images, videos and audio files