Praga N

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A Praga N in Prague (1957)
A Praga N in Prague (1957)
Manufacturer: Praga
Production period: 1915-1950
Previous model: none
Successor: none
Technical specifications
Designs: Platform , chassis, special bodies
Engines: Eight cylinder diesel engine
Power: 37-92 kW
Payload: up to 7 t
Praga NO as an open omnibus (2009)

The Praga N , built in various versions between 1915 and 1950 in a total of around 3,000 units, was the most important heavy truck in Czechoslovakia in the interwar period.

Vehicle history

The first two prototypes were made in 1915. The engine was developed from the 6842 cm³ engine of the Praga V by enlarging the bore from 110 to 115 mm (while maintaining the piston stroke of 90 mm), bringing the displacement to 7,478 cm 3 and the power increased to 50 HP (37 kW) at 1000 rpm. The truck was slightly larger than its predecessor, the Type V, and its wheelbase was 4.20 instead of 4 m. However, it retained the payload of 5 t and was delivered from 1917. By 1918, 120 or 124 pieces were produced in three series, including the two prototypes.

A fourth series of 200 pieces was created in 1921–23; the output was increased from 50 hp (37 kW) to 52 hp (38 kW). There was also an NO omnibus variant, of which 80 or 70 units were built in 4 series from 1925 to 1926, its wheelbase was lengthened to 4.50 m, it offered space for 45 to 50 people.

In 1924 the Praga N received a completely redesigned four-cylinder engine, which now developed 55 hp (40 kW) with a 110 mm bore and 160 mm stroke (6080 cm³). The wheelbase was shortened to 4.10 m, the curb weight dropped to 3.2 t. In 15 series, 1,620 or 1,691 pieces were produced by 1930. There were also 450 buses in 10 series.

In 1930 the payload increased to 5.5 t and the power to 60 HP (44 kW), until 1937 260 units were produced in 3 series. According to Prihoda there were only 113, but there were 100 with a four-cylinder Deutz diesel engine (115 × 170 mm; 7063 cm 3 ) and 54 PS (40 kW) as well as 33 type NK garbage trucks with six-cylinder gasoline engine (bore × stroke: 100 × 150 mm; 7069 cm 3 ) and 85 PS (63 kW).

From 1936 on, variants followed with the diesel engine that had meanwhile gained acceptance: The type was now called ND, the payload grew to 6 tons, the wheelbase to 4.65 m. In 1936 9 trucks were built with a six-cylinder diesel engine (bore × stroke: 115 × 142 mm; 8850 cm 3 ) and 110 PS (81 kW), in 1937 there were 17 trucks with a six- cylinder diesel engine (bore × stroke: 105 × 130 mm; 6754 cm 3 ) and 82 HP (60 kW) and 34 pieces with the four-cylinder diesel engine from Deutz mentioned above.

From 1938 the engine had 125 PS (92 kW) instead of 110 PS (81 kW), the payload increased to up to 7 tons. 230 and 63 buses were built between 1938 and 1939 and a further 477 or 458 buses after the war by 1950.

Production ended in 1950: In Czechoslovakia, which had meanwhile become socialist, Praga received the order to build only three-ton trucks (the Praga V3S); the construction of heavier trucks was reserved for the Škoda and Tatra companies.

Technical specifications

Below is an overview of the technical data of the individual variants:

Type empty (t) Length (m) Width (m) Radst. (m) cylinder cm³ PS km / h Usable (t)
N, 1-3. series 3.6 6.80 2.00 4.20 4th 7,478 50 18th 5.0
N, 4th series 3.6 6.80 2.00 4.20 4th 7,478 52 20th 5.0
N, 5th – 19th series 3.2 6.70 2.09 4.10 4th 6,080 55 28 5.0
N, 21-23 series 3.43 6.265 2.32 4.10 4th 6,080 60 38 5-6
ND, 20th series 3.77 6.395 2,316 4.10 4th 7,063 54 36 5.0
ND, 1st series 4.63 6.96 2.50 4.65 6th 8,850 110 55 6th
ND, 2nd series 4.63 6.96 2.50 4.65 6th 6,754 85 55 6th
ND, 3rd series 4.63 6.96 2.50 4.65 4th 7,063 57 45 6th
ND, 4th-7th series 4.63 6.96 2.50 4.65 6th 8,850 125 50 6-7
Praga NO 3.3 6.40 2.15 4.20 4th 6,080 55 30th 40 people

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Suman-Hreblay, Marian: Encyclopedie nákladních automobilu . Brno 2008, p. 100.
  2. a b c d e f g Prihoda, Emil: Devadesát let výroby automobilu . Prague 1998, p. 366.


  • Prihoda, Emil: Praga - Devadesát let výroby automobilů . Self-published, Prague 1998, ISBN 80-902542-1-7 .
  • Šuman-Hreblay, Marián: Encyclopedie automobilů . Computer Press, Brno 2007, ISBN 978-80-251-1587-9 .

Web links

Commons : Praga N  - collection of images, videos and audio files