Promenade (dance)

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Promenade , or rather promenade position , describes the posture (and not the dance movement!) Of a dance couple in the context of a dance figure in which both partners are looking forward in the same direction and are aligned. By definition, the gentleman opens to the left, the lady to the right. Depending on the dance and the introduced figure, the opening is more or less strong.

An opening in the opposite direction is called a counter promenade, a movement from the promenade position in the same direction, but with a backward instead of a forward movement, a fallaway.

Depending on the figure or variation, the figure can begin in a closed dance posture and end in a promenade position (e.g. Open Impetus in Slowfox), begin in a promenade position and end in a closed dance position (e.g. Weave from Open PP in the Slow Waltz), in Start promenade position and end in promenade position (e.g. twist turn in Tango) or include a promenade position (e.g. Check from Open PP in Cha Cha Cha).