Publius Valerius Cato

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Publius Valerius Cato (* around 95 BC; date of death unknown) was a Roman poet and philologist .

About his life tells Suetonius in the record of the grammarian. Some sources reported that Cato was the freedman of a Burrienus from Gaul. Suetonius refers to Cato's writing "Indignatio", according to which Cato was born free and became an orphan. Under Sulla he was robbed of his fortune. He taught many of the noble people. The Suetonius report also contains fragments of Bibaculus with comments on Cato's poor life and his prominent role as a philologist and poet.

He transferred Greek poetry in theory and practice into Roman poetry , with particular attention to Callimachus . This achievement became fundamental to the neoteric . However, nothing of his works has survived.

Individual evidence

  1. Suet. gram. 11.