Quarantine tank

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As a quarantine tank is known in the hunting and the aquarium in which fish are kept isolated. In them, there is usually no substrate or decoration material. This ensures that the tank can be easily disinfected when the fish can be looked after in the normal aquarium again.

Areas of application

  • Fish that show symptoms of disease are kept in quarantine tanks. Targeted treatment with medication is possible in the quarantine tank. Most drugs are water-soluble and are added to the aquarium water.
  • Newly purchased fish are kept in the quarantine tank for a few days to prevent them from transferring germs to fish already kept in the normal aquarium.
  • Ornamental fish importers and wholesalers also keep newly purchased fish in a quarantine tank for a period of one to two weeks, as the stress of transport from the exporting countries makes the fish more susceptible to disease.