
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Quartiglio was an Italian field and area measure. The measure applied on the island of Sicily . It is the name of the square Canna / Canna quadrata with 64 square Palmi (= 0.06661661 square meters ).

  • 1 quartiglio = 40.403 Paris square feet = 4.2633 square meters
  • 4 quartigli = 1 quarto
  • 16 quartigli = 1 Carozzo


  • Christian Noback, Friedrich Eduard Noback: Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight ratios, the government papers, the exchange and banking system and the customs of all countries and trading places. FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1849, p. 790
  • Joseph Meyer: The great conversation lexicon for the educated classes. Volume 2, Bibliographisches Institut, Hildburghausen / Amsterdam / Paris / Philadelphia, 1848, p. 282