Quaternionic Kähler manifold

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In mathematics , quaternionic Kähler manifolds are a research area of differential geometry .


A coherent , orientable Riemannian manifold of dimension is a quaternionic Kahler manifold if its holonomy in is included. In the case one also demands that it is a self-dual Einstein manifold .

Here the (compact) symplectic group is called and acts through left multiplication of and right multiplication (as diagonal matrices) of , which is understood as a subgroup of .

A quaternionic Kähler manifold is called positive or negative if the Riemannian metric is complete and has positive or negative scalar curvature .


  • A quaternionic Kähler manifold is hypercaler if and only if its scalar curvature vanishes.

All known examples of positive quaternionic Kähler manifolds are Wolf spaces ; The LeBrun-Salamon conjecture says that all positive quaternionic Kähler manifolds are symmetric spaces and thus (according to the classification of symmetric spaces) in particular Wolf spaces. (For n = 1 the conjecture of Hitchin and for n = 2 of Poon-Salamon was proven.)

Twistor room

For each quaternionic Kähler manifold one associates a so-called “twistor space” as follows. is overlaid by two and locally the bundle can be lifted into a bundle. The effect on can then be used to locally define an associated quaternionic line bundle . Even if this does not have to be defined globally, its complex projectivization is defined globally and you get a bundle


The space is called the twistor space of the quaternionic Kahler manifold .

Example: The twistor space of the quaternionic-projective space is the complex-projective space and the bundle

is the canonical projection mapping.

Theorem (LeBrun-Salamon) : The twistor space of a positive quaternionic Kähler manifold is a Fano contact manifold , also compact, simply connected, Kählersch and Einsteinsch .

Furthermore, a positive quaternionic Kähler manifold is a symmetric space if and only if its twistor space is a homogeneous space (among biholomorphic maps ) .


  • Salamon, Simon: Quaternionic Kähler manifolds. Invent. Math. 67 (1982) no. 1, 143-171.
  • Poon, YS; Salamon, SM: Quaternionic Kähler 8-manifolds with positive scalar curvature. J. Differential Geom. 33 (1991) no. 2, 363-378.
  • LeBrun, Claude; Salamon, Simon: Strong rigidity of positive quaternion-Kähler manifolds. Invent. Math. 118 (1994) no. 1, 109-132.
  • Salamon, Simon: Quaternionic Kähler Geometry. Proceedings of the University of Cambridge VI, 1999, 83-121.