Quetta culture

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The Quetta culture is a Neolithic culture that is documented mainly in the northeast of Pakistan (around Quetta ) and dates back to the third millennium BC. Dated. The typical pottery of this culture is mainly occupied around Quetta and is cream-colored or has a light red tint. Typical ceramic shapes are conical cups that are wide at the top and taper towards the bottom. Usually the upper half is painted with geometric patterns, which in turn were applied with black, more rarely with red paint.

Individual evidence

  1. Victor Sarianidi : The Art of Ancient Afghanistan. Architecture, ceramics, seals, works of art made of stone and metal . VCH, Acta Humaniora, Weinheim 1986, ISBN 3-527-17561-X , p. 90; Mortimer Wheeler : The Indus Civilization , (Third edition), London 1976, 11-13