R. Rathke (piano factory)

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The pianoforte factory R. Rathke was founded in 1868 by Robert Rathke, the German-Baltic instrument maker from and in Dorpat . In 1886 production was relocated to Saint Petersburg . In 1912 it was taken over by the son Richard Rathke, who also bought the J. Tresselt piano factory . Production was stopped with the 1st World War. After the liquidation and expropriation, the Rathke family moved to Werro in Estonia

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paul Marie Guillaume Joseph de Wit, Hermann Karl Anton Matzke: Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau , Volume 33, 1912, p. 163 | [1]
  2. https://dea.digar.ee/cgi-bin/dea?a=d&d=dorpaterzeitung19190912.1.3
  3. The Soviet Century: Archeology of a Lost World by Karl Schlögel CH Beck 2017, ISBN 978-3-406-71511-2 [2]