Reich Law for Youth Welfare

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The German Reich Law for Youth Welfare , RJWG for short, or Reich Youth Welfare Act of July 9, 1922 came into force on April 1, 1924 and regulated youth welfare until 1961 (West Germany) . Its introduction was accompanied by the Juvenile Court Act of February 16, 1923.

With the new announcement of August 11, 1961, it was renamed the Law for Youth Welfare (JWG) in addition to some changes in content . In 1990 it was replaced by the Child and Youth Welfare Act in SGB ​​VIII .


  • Josef Beeking : On the Reich Law for Youth Welfare of July 9, 1922: The Reich Law for Youth Welfare and Caritas. A fundamental appreciation combined with directions for practical work. (= Writings on youth welfare. Volume 3). 2nd Edition. Caritasverlag, Freiburg i. Br. 1925.

Individual evidence

  1. RGBl. I 1922 p. 633
  2. ^ Introductory Act to the Reich Law for Youth Welfare of July 9, 1922, RGBl. I 1922 p. 647
  3. Federal Law Gazette I p. 1205