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The Reimeikai ( Japanese 黎明 会 , dt. "Dawn meeting") was a Japanese "educational society " of the Taisho period and part of the Taishō democracy movement . The members were obliged to “strive to stabilize and enrich people's lives in accordance with the new trends of the post-war period”.

The Reimeikai was formed in December 1918 to promote public lectures. The founders were Yoshino Sakuzō and Fukuda Tokuzō .

The Reimeikai campaigned for universal suffrage , freedom of assembly and a liberal right to strike . Its aim was to "spread the ideas of democracy among the people".

It was dissolved in 1920.

Individual evidence

  1. "Reimeikai". In: Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan , Vol. 6, p. 288, Kodansha, Tokyo 1983.
  2. ^ Henry DeWitt Smith: Japan's First Student Radicals . Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1972, ISBN 0-674-47185-7 , p. 52.
  3. ^ Byron K. Marshall: Academic Freedom and the Japanese Imperial University, 1868-1939 . University of California Press, Berkeley 1992, ISBN 0-520-07821-7 , p. 96.
  4. ^ Louis Frédéric : Japan Encyclopedia . Harvard University Press, 2002, ISBN 0-674-00770-0 , pp. 785 (English, limited preview in Google Book Search - French: Japon, dictionnaire et civilization . Translated by Käthe Roth).
  5. ^ Smith, p. 45.