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The renga ( Japanese 連 歌 ) is the medieval form of the Japanese chain poem, which does not come from a single poet, but in which several artists take turns.

It consists of a series of tanka - Japanese short poems ( Uta ) and was created in the Japanese Middle Ages . Tanka were connected to lyrical forms with up to 100 stanzas, the upper tunnel ( hokku ) being 5: 7: 5 syllables and the lower tunnel ( matsuku ) 7: 7 syllables. From the hokku , the developed Haiku .


  • Franz, Gisela (ed.): So late in the year  : multiple renga. - Goldenstedt: Ger. Haiku Society, 1996
  • Haas-Rupp, Gabriele (Ed.): The pen writes scratchy . - Offenbach: Otto, 1995. - ISBN 3-9803923-5-X
  • Sato, Hiroaki: One hundred frogs : from Renga to Haiku to English. - New York: Weatherhill, 1983

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