RepRap Morgan

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RepRap-Morgan. Example system from Quentin Harley

The RepRap Morgan is a 3D printer developed by the South African Quentin Harley , which was released on May 14, 2013 and received the Gada Prize on June 6, 2013 . It is one of the particularly cheap and easy-to-build 3D printers and thus supports the spread of 3D printers, especially in poor regions of the world. The Gada Prize promotes such developments with prize money of USD 20,000.

Under the policies of RepRap - Community all plans and foundations are the RepRap Morgan free and open. 3D printers of this type are now being manufactured worldwide, and there are already other variants based on this design.


The clearest difference to classic 3D printers is the movement of the print head via two arms, each with a joint. The large drive wheels for the arms translate the rotation of the stepper motors into very fine movements, so that you can work with very high resolution and accuracy. During the printing process, the heated construction platform is moved down a little after the completion of one layer and the next layer can be printed.

Advantages of the principle

The RepRap Morgan can be built with extremely few resources and special parts. Assembly requires only moderate accuracy and no special tools. The goal of further work on the concept is to reduce the cost of parts (excluding electronics) to below 100 USD (the Gada price was set at less than 250 USD).

The list of special parts required is very short. Only parts that can be easily obtained or replaced with similar parts are used. In addition to a few ball bearings, it only requires 4 stepper motors. To implement the vertical axis, Quentin Harley has developed a new concept based on a masonry drill bit, which can easily be replaced by a threaded rod or a trapezoidal screw spindle. Depending on availability or budget.

Furthermore, the open concept of the printer allows easy adaptation to new requirements and the implementation of new ideas. The printing accuracy can be regulated over large areas via software.

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