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Rimum was a king of Dilmun who lived around 1700 BC. Chr. To Bahrain ruled. It is known from Akkadian inscriptions on stone vessels that were found in a grave on Bahrain. The vessels belong to his son, Yagli-El , who was also ruler of Dilmun. The vessels were found in 2012 during excavations in large burial mounds, which were obviously the tombs of the rulers of Dilmun. Large parts of Bahrain are covered with such burial mounds. Rimum is also known from a stone object from Bahrain that was found in 1878. The function of the object is uncertain. The short inscription reads: the palace of Rimum, servant of Inzak , of the (tribe) of Agarum .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Steffen Terp Laursen: Kings of Dilmun identified by name ; [1] Kings of Dilmun identified by name and announced in a press conference held by BACA
  2. Geoffrey Bibby: Dilmun: The discovery of the oldest high culture . Rowohlt, Reinbek 1973, ISBN 3-498-00440-9 , p. 29