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Ruby logo.svg
Basic data

Current  version 3.0.6
(August 16, 2019)
operating system platform independent
programming language Ruby
License Ruby License

RubyGems (or Gems for short ) is the official packaging system for the Ruby programming language . It provides a package format, a tool for managing packages and a repository for distributing them. With it, the user has the option of setting up, managing or removing several (for example older or more recent) versions of a program, program part or library in a controlled manner as required. It works in the same way as the package manager Pip in Python , but also has similarities to apt-get or yum .


RubyGems are called via the command line command gem . RubyGems are usually created from .gemspec files, with the gem being described in the YAML language . But it is also possible to create gems directly from Ruby Code.

RubyGems has been part of the Ruby standard library since Ruby 1.9 . If you want to use a RubyGem in a Ruby program, you have to load the required library beforehand:

require 'json'        # aktuelle Version
gem 'rake', '= 0.8.1' # mit Versionsangabe


The word gem in English can mean gem , precious or just something and stands for a package with which Ruby can be expanded. These gems have a name, for example Rake , and a version number (for example 0.4.18) with which they can be found in the repositories set up for this purpose.


  1. The rubygems Open Source Project on Open Hub: Languages Page . In: Open Hub . (accessed on July 19, 2018).