SFPA Poetry Contest

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The SFPA Poetry Contest (also SFPA Speculative Poetry Contest ) is an American literary prize that has been awarded by the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA) for poetry and prose poetry from the fields of science fiction and fantasy since 2006 .

Unpublished works are honored in the three categories:

  • Dwarf (short form): 1 to 10 verses or 0 to 100 words
  • Short: 11 to 49 verses or 101 to 499 words
  • Long (long form): 50 and more verses or 500 and more words

Three prizes will be awarded in each category, endowed with US $ 100 for first place, US $ 50 for second and US $ 25 for third place. The award-winning works will also be published on the SFPA website.

The award is made by an annually changing judge. Anyone can enter the competition by submitting any number of poems, with a fee of US $ 2 per poem.

List of award winners

  • Dwarf form:
    1. Angela Yuriko Smith: Dark Matters
    2. Frances Kai-Hwa: Poet in my basement
    3. Alan Vincent Michaels: Seeds
  • Short form:
    1. Holly Lyn Walrath: The Fox and the Forest
    2. MC Childs: An Elephant in Ophir, Colorado. Pop. 114, 9695 'above sea level, c. 1930.
    3. Jeff Crandall: The Night Witch Dreams of Flight
  • Long form:
    1. Holly Lyn Walrath: The Mining Town
    2. Kate Felix: Your Brain Awakens in a Jar
    3. Christine Tyler: The 100-Meter Dash of Florence Vanderschmidt
  • Dwarf form:
    1. Jerri Hardesty: Walkers 1
    2. Sandra J. Lindow: At Last
    3. Julie Bloss Kelsey: “in-laws at the door”
  • Short form:
    1. Meg Freer: tick more slowly
    2. MC Childs: Tin-Head Soliloquy
    3. Claire Bateman: Seeking Exemption Status?
  • Long form:
    1. Shannon Connor Winward: Magic Lessons
    2. Sandra J. Lindow: Om Economics
    3. Frank Coffman: Ars Timore (a Wreath of Sonnets)
  • Dwarf form:
    1. Kanika Agrawal: flight
    2. Adam Veal: Archivists
    3. Holly Walrath: Lace at the Throat
  • Short form:
    1. Jake Sheff: On First Looking Into the Sculpture of the Song "The World is Watching," by Two Door Cinema Club
    2. Patricia Gomes: Rescue Mission
    3. B. Lynch Black: Schroedinger's Lover
  • Long form:
    1. Stewart C. Baker: The Fragmented Poet Files a Police Report
    2. Gary Lee Nihsen: Auto-Biography of a Trans-dimensional Extraterrestrial
    3. JJ Steinfeld: Your Doppelganger's Afterlife Dreams: A Theater-of-the-Absurd Prayer / Poem
  • Dwarf form:
    1. Shannon Connor Winward: Craving
    2. Robert Borski: Dragon Tongue Sushi
    3. Susan Burch
  • Short form:
    1. Timons Esaias: Regarding the Mastodons
    2. Stacey Balkun: Gretel at Menlo Mall, 1996
    3. Kathleen A. Lawrence: Even Happy Ghosts Can Be Scary When You're 7
  • Long form:
    1. William Stobb: Elvis Triptych
    2. Shannon Connor Winward: Thirteen Ways to See a Ghost
    3. Wendy Rathbone: We Shall Meet in the Star-Spackled Ruins
  • Dwarf form:
    1. FJ Bergmann: Anomaly
    2. Melanie A. Rawls
    3. Greer Woodward: Crater Conundrum Pizza
  • Short form:
    1. Akua Lezli Hope: METIS EMITS
    2. Alexandra Erin: Phone Tree
    3. Peg Duthie: Some Who Wander Become Lost
  • Long form:
    1. FJ Bergmann: Transference
    2. Richard Bruns: Arizona Rest Stop
    3. Martin Elster: The Comet Elm
  • Dwarf form:
    1. Bruce Boston: Surreal Shopping List
    2. Margaret Rhee: Radio Heart: Trace
    3. Lola Lucas: Balancing the Scales
  • Short form:
    1. Margaret Rhee: Write, Robot
    2. Elizabeth R. McClellan: Common Language
    3. Marion Boyer: My Crows
  • Long form:
    1. William Stobb: Sorry, I Can't Design Your Futuristic Bug Creature
    2. FJ Bergmann: 100 Reasons to have Sex with an Alien
    3. Michele Tracy Berger: Grinding Disney # 2
  • Dwarf form:
    1. Jennifer Schomburg Kanke: The Spell No One Said at Her Birth
    2. Mary C. Rowin: A Butterfly in Costa Rica
    3. John C. Mannone: Dung Beetle
  • Short form:
    1. Megan Arkenberg: We Pay Our Fare in Apples Here
    2. Helen Patrice: The Martian's Wife
    3. Megan Arkenberg: Wolf's Four Questions
  • Long form:
    1. Robert Frazier: The Girl Who Tipped Through Time ...
    2. Jenny Blackford: Hungry as Living Sorrow
    3. Bryant O'Hara: The Dyson Tree's Promise
  • Dwarf form:
    1. Steven Wittenberg Gordon: Lilith
    2. Noel Sloboda: Dinosaur Heart
  • Short form:
    1. Damien Cowger: Cold
    2. Cathy Bryant: Calculated
  • Long form:
    1. Darrell Lindsey: The Fugitive / Bryant O'Hara: The Music Is Always On / Jade Sylvan: Rocketman Pantoum
  • Non-Member: Darrell Lindsey: The Fugitive

Competition did not take place

  1. Ishita Basu Mallik: Do Unicorns Dream of Electric Virgins?
  2. Martin Elster: Astronomy in the Seventeenth Century
  3. Jessica Rainey: Collision reCourse

Competition did not take place

  1. Marion E. Boyer: She Seemed So Quiet
  2. Elizabeth Barrette: Artifacts of Intelligent Design
  3. Frances Shi: And I Fly
  1. Elizabeth Barrette: One Ship Tall
  2. Ann K. Schwader: Abandoned
  3. Constance Cooper: The Cyburbs
  1. Malcolm Deeley: Morning, Europe
  2. Ree Young: Office Complex, 13th Floor
  3. Duane & Cathy Ackerson: Mice Over Fallen Mirrors

Web links