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SIPOC diagram
Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers

Supplier 1

Supplier 2


Input variable 1

Input variable 2


Process step 1

Process step 2


Result 1

Result 2


Customer 1

Customer 2


The English acronym SIPOC denotes a Six Sigma tool for the define phase, which is also used in lean management .


A SIPOC diagram visualizes the snapshot of a process .

SIPOC can be used to record an overall process at the beginning of an improvement measure or an improvement project. In addition, SIPOC can also be used to clearly delimit processes in process chains. The output of one process becomes the input of another process.

Some authors recommend filling out the table from right to left to support a customer-centric view. In a brainstorming session , the content is often gathered without this limitation.


The acronym SIPOC stands for the column names of the SIPOC diagram.

  • S - Supplier (Supplier)
  • I - inputs ( input factors)
  • P - Process (process)
  • O - output (results)
  • C - Customer (Customer)
can be both internal and external suppliers or service providers for the process.
are materials, information and all other input variables that are required for the process.
describes the process steps that are necessary to generate the output from the input. Five to seven steps are recommended for modeling at the macro level.
describe the results of a process. Examples are products, documents or a service provided during the process.
are internal and external customers of a process, i.e. both end customers and other processes.


The example describes how to prepare a cup of tea.

Example of making tea
Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers

Tea supplier

Energy supplier

Water supplier






water heater



boil water

Pour the tea bag and water into the cup

Let it steep for 5 minutes

Remove the tea bag

Place the teaspoon and sugar on the saucer

Cup of tea

Used tea bag

Tea drinkers

Garbage can


  • Rainer Seufferlein, Miko Kaps: Start in the define phase - How Six Sigma projects are sure to fail or succeed . In: QZ . tape 49 , no. 5 , 2004, p. 48 ( QZ archive - issue 05/2004 on

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. SIPOC on
  2. Helge Toutenburg, Philipp Knöfel, Toutenburg, Helge, Knöfel, Philipp: Six Sigma methods and statistics for practice . 2., verb. and exp. Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-74212-8 , pp. 67 ( limited preview in Google Book search).