
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The saccata was an Italian square measure for arable land. The measure applied in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany . Another acre size was the Stioro with 12 panoramas or 48 square cans, i.e. 4.0874 ares .

  • 1 saccata = 10 stajola = 660 square pertiche = 6300 square meters


  • Johann Friedrich von Cotta: General newspaper Munich. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, Stuttgart / Augsburg 1848, p. 64
  • Georg Freiherr von Vega: Logarithmic-trigonometric tables together with other tables and formulas set up for the use of mathematics. Volume 2, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1812, p. 350
  • Society of learned and practical merchants: General encyclopedia for merchants and manufacturers, as well as for businessmen in general . Verlag Otto Wigand, Leipzig 1843, p. 356