Switching gap

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Single tooth gap (tooth 36)

Gap is a technical term from dentistry used to classify incomplete teeth. A gap is present if there is a tooth gap due to two or more missing teeth and which is limited by other teeth, i.e. at least one tooth is still present in front of and behind the missing teeth. From a Einzahnlücke is when only a single tooth is missing and before and after the missing tooth a tooth is at least present.

If someone does not (no longer) have all their teeth , this can affect their quality of life to varying degrees, depending on the number, type and location of the missing teeth. Various criteria have been proposed for this, including: a. the classification according to "switching" and " free end gaps ".

Similarly, a “switching prosthesis” is a partial prosthesis in which the missing teeth, in contrast to the “free-end prosthesis”, have an anchoring or support on existing, natural teeth on both sides of the gap.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Gernet, Reiner Biffar, Norbert Schwenzer, Michael Ehrenfeld: Dental prosthetics . Georg Thieme, 2011, ISBN 978-3-13-165124-2 , p. 13 f . ( google.com ).