Sign maker

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Sign embossers are businesses that produce vehicle license plates in the vicinity of a registration office .

Antitrust significance

Due to the peculiarities of the trade, the sign embossers have a long tradition in German antitrust law . As a location for a sign embossing branch, there are only a few properties: After the potential customers have received their license plate from the registration office, they have to go to a sign embossing company and then return to the authorities with the finished number plate. Typically, customers will visit a sign maker in the immediate vicinity of the registration office. Those that are more than just a few hundred meters away from the approval office are typically not considered.

This leads to the fact that the owners of the suitable properties as well as the sign makers who were able to obtain the most sought-after properties are regularly dominant in the market , making them addressees of § 19 and § 20 GWB . Accordingly, they must advertise the rental of their properties in a non-discriminatory manner, they must neither force their landlords to prohibit competition nor prohibit their tenants from working with "large chain stores". The rental contracts for particularly sought-after properties may also be concluded for a maximum of five years. If private companies exist on site, the municipalities are not allowed to offer their own sign embossing service; they must also allow signs to be placed on the premises of the approval office indicating that embossing companies are further away.

Individual evidence

  1. BGH, judgment of April 8, 2003 - KZR 39/99 - GRUR 2003, 809.
  2. OLG Düsseldorf, judgment of December 17, 2008 - VI-U (Kart) 15/08 - WuW / E DE-R 2522.
  3. BGH, judgment of July 3, 2001 - KZR 11/00 - BGHReport 2001, 972.
  4. BGH, judgment of April 8, 2003 - KZR 39/99 - GRUR 2003, 809.
  5. OLG Düsseldorf, judgment of November 15, 2006 - VI-U (Kart) 28/03 - juris.