Swiss foundation for cerebrally paralyzed children

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The Swiss Foundation for Cerebral Palsy Children , also known as the Cerebral Foundation , is a Swiss foundation based in Bern .

Foundation and organization

The foundation was established in Bern in 1961 and has been advocating the concerns of people with cerebral mobility problems and their families ever since . The Cerebral Foundation consists of a Board of Trustees and the team from the Berne office. The members and the President of the Board of Trustees work on a voluntary basis.

Services and goals

The foundation is involved in areas that affect the everyday life of people with cerebral mobility problems and their families. It makes financial contributions for stays in special schools and homes, for recreational stays for disabled people and their families or for the use of relief aid at home. It also supports affected families with special disability-related expenses (clothes, shoes, glasses, therapy, transport) as well as when structural changes in private living areas are necessary.

The aim is the early registration, promotion, training, care and social care of people with cerebral movement disorders , spina bifida or muscular dystrophy who are resident in Switzerland. All measures are taken or supported that appear to be appropriate to achieve these goals according to the current state of science. The foundation is also involved in the research and development of new therapies and aids and the specific further training of specialist staff as well as the creation of dormitories and jobs.

The foundation works with other institutions and relief organizations for disabled children and adults; We have a long-term partnership with the Cerebral Switzerland Association .


The foundation is largely financed by donations, inheritances and legacies. It is recognized as a non-profit organization and is subject to the supervision of the Federal Department of Home Affairs. Account will be given of how the donations are used.


The foundation works to sensitize the Swiss population to the concerns of people with cerebral mobility problems and their families and to enable a healthy, open approach to the subject of disabilities. To this end, the foundation has various publications such as documentaries and school documents. The information magazine “Merci”, which reports four times a year in German, French and Italian on the Foundation's activities and projects, and the annual report. For people with cerebral mobility impairments and their relatives, the Cerebral Foundation also publishes the “Actuel” brochure, an information magazine with support offers and news.


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