Swiss Institute for Entrepreneur Training

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The Swiss Institute for Entrepreneurship Training, SIU for short, has been a higher technical school in German-speaking Switzerland for executives from Swiss SMEs and the retail trade since 1966 . The sponsorship consists of around 100 trade and professional associations. The SIU offers advanced training at the tertiary level for adults in trade, retail, in the electrical industry and for employees in pharmacies.


On October 26, 1966, the SIU entrepreneurship school was founded as a cooperative. In addition to the Swiss trade association, members also included almost all cantonal trade and professional associations. The president of the cooperative was the free-spirited National Councilor Otto Fischer , who at that time wrote the slogan “Less state - more freedom” on the flag and was thus well known. The purpose of the SIU entrepreneurship school was and is to this day the general promotion of entrepreneurship training in Swiss industry. The core of this was part-time training that provided current and future managers and executives with all the necessary business skills for managing an SME within a year.

Merger with the Swiss retail school

At the beginning of the 1990s, those responsible at the Swiss Institute for Entrepreneurship Training and the Swiss Technical College for Retailing decided to jointly offer part-time training under the name of the Swiss Institute for Entrepreneurship Training, SIU for short. The Swiss Technical College for Retail was also organized as a cooperative and pursued the purpose of training and promoting the business skills of managers and employees in the retail trade.

Entry into further technical training with an innovative teaching model in 2017

Since the SIU is anchored in trade, it made sense to also offer further training in the technical area - more precisely in the electrical industry. In addition to this innovation, the SIU also launched the high-voltage learning teaching model. The new form of teaching is a combination of physical classroom teaching and virtual teaching.


Every year around 1000 people attend courses at SIU. The educational institute is divided into four departments and offers the following advanced training courses with state qualifications and small courses:

SIU SME Entrepreneur School

  • Higher technical examination with federal diploma
    • Business economist SME
  • Federal certificate
    • Management specialist SME
  • diploma
    • SME businesswoman
  • Courses
    • Basic course in accounting

SIU management school retail trade

  • Higher technical examination with federal diploma
    • Sales manager
  • Federal certificate
    • Retail specialist
  • diploma
    • Branch manager
    • Shop manager
  • Federal certificate of Competence
    • Retail specialist according to BBV Art. 32
  • Certificates
    • Vocational trainer retail trade
    • Expertise according to chemicals law

SIU electrical engineering

  • Higher technical examination with federal diploma
    • Electrical installation and safety expert
  • Higher technical examination HF
    • Qualified technician HF electrical engineering
  • Federal certificate
    • Electrical project manager
  • Courses
    • Mathemative preliminary course
  • Certificates
    • Vocational trainer in electrical engineering


  • Federal certificate
    • Pharma operating assistant
  • Certificates and diplomas
    • Pharma team leader
    • Vocational trainer in pharmacies

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