Sensation comics

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Sensation Comics (German sensational comics, sensational comics ) is the title of a comic series that the American publisher DC Comics published from 1942 to 1952.

Contents of the sensation comics

The main feature of the series, which reached 116 editions, was the Wonder Woman series, created by William Moulton Marston , which is about a Greek Amazon operating in the 20th century . Other features that the series included over time were The Black Pirate , The Gay Ghost , Mr. Terrific , Wildcat , Sargon the Sorcerer , Hal Mason , The Whip , The Atom , Little Boy Blue , Hop Harrigan , Romance, Inc. , Lady Danger , Doctor Pat and Astra . During the Second World War , the series functioned, among other things, for propaganda purposes, in that the protagonists of the various individual series contained in Sensation Comics entered the fight against the German National Socialists and the representatives of Japanese military fascism, and in particular by breaking through the so-called Fourth Wall - the one within the fictional world of a story normally separates existing characters from the real-world readers of this story - for once had to contact them directly to call for war bonds to be bought.

Renaming of the series in 1952

With issue # 107, the Johnny Peril mystery series was elevated to the main feature of the series. From issue # 110 onwards, the title of the series, which had in the meantime been weakening in terms of circulation, was changed to Sensation Mystery in order to make the changed focus on the outside world clear. After this content-related reorientation did not bring the Sensation Comics any noticeably better sales figures, the series was discontinued with issue # 116.