September Perseids

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Meteor shower
Beginning 5th September
maximum the 9th of September
The End 21st September
Radian position
RA 312003 h 12 m
DE + 40 °
Population index 3.0
64 km / s

The September Perseids are an annual meteor shower active in September . With a zenithal hourly rate of usually 5 meteors per hour, the September Perseids are much weaker than the Perseids active in August . Significantly higher meteor activity was registered on September 9, 2008, with bright fireballs being observed in addition to a large number of falling stars .

The radiant is located in the southern part of the constellation Perseus .

The September Perseids, along with the Delta Aurigids, were viewed as a meteor shower for many years . Only more detailed investigations revealed that there are two separate streams that merge seamlessly into one another.

Individual evidence

  1. IMO Meteor Shower Calendar 2020 , accessed on August 28, 2020
  2. Outburst of the September Perseids , accessed on 10 September 2008
  3. Notes for the visual meteor observer: September 2007 , accessed on January 12, 2016