Shin-seikyoku Kondankai

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The Shin-seikyoku Kondankai ( Japanese 新 政局 懇談 会 ; Eng . "Advisory committee for a new political situation"), often also "Ex-SPJ group" ( 旧 社会 党 グ ル ー プ , kyū-Shakaitō-group ) called, was a faction within the Japanese Democratic Progressive Party , before that the Democratic Party . It consisted mainly of former social democrats or socialists around Takahiro Yokomichi and was therefore also referred to as the Yokomichi group ( 横路 グ ル ー プ , Yokomichi gurūpu ). Like the former Socialist Party of Japan , its members were close to the trade union federation Sōhyō (now part of Rengō ). In 2005 it had 19 members and in 2009 there were 11 Shūgiin and 21 Sangiin MPs. Yokomichi withdrew from politics for the 2017 Shūgiin election .

Individual evidence

  1. Patrick Köllner: Change of leadership in the DPJ: Background, personnel decisions and perspectives. (PDF; 132 kB) In: Japan aktuell. June 2005, accessed September 16, 2009 .