Sodium (computer game)

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Sodium is a computer game series based on the Playstation Home network . It consists of four games, two of which have already been released: SodiumOne (Saltshooter) and Sodium2: Project Velocity .

The Sodium universe was created by Outso , developer of spaces and content for Playstation Home . The MMOG was published by Lockwood Publishing .

The first part of the series, SodiumOne, reached the European and North American Playstation Home market on December 17, 2009. The platform only entered the Japanese and Asian markets later, in June 2010. The second part of the Sodium series, Sodium2: Project Velocity , was released on June 16, 2011 for Playstation Home in Europe and the USA.

Sodium Hub

Sodium Hub represents the basic home space for Sodium and enables access to various minigames. Success in the game is rewarded with Sodium Credits , which serve as virtual currency in the Sodium World: With Sodium Credits a wide variety of content can be purchased anywhere in the Sodium World.

The Sodium Android Vicky is particularly helpful for new Sodium members . In conversation with Vicky , the player learns about current missions, whereby the completion of these missions is rewarded with sodium credits .

Sodium One

SodiumOne (S1 for short) is the combination of a full shooting game with various freemium minigames. The first levels are free to try out - the full version can then be unlocked by purchasing the Sodium pilot outfit “Red Chili Edition”.

From December 17th, 2009 to December 24th, 2009 150 free codes were given out daily to randomly selected visitors to the Sodium Hub, who unlocked the full version of Salt Shooter for free.

SodiumOne is the beginning of the four-part game series.

SodiumOne: Salt Shooter

On the Central Plaza, across from the “Scorpio's” bar, there is a teleporter that transports players to their personal “Salt Shooter” space. Salt Shooter is the full version of the (Salt Shooter) tank trainer game, which is available for free in the Sodium Hub. Before purchasing this full version, players have five levels available for free.

The aim of the game is to destroy all enemy tanks and collect any objects lost by destroyed tanks. Some of these items are upgrades for Salt Shooter, while others - such as silicon, silver, and gold - can be exchanged with Vicky for sodium credits .

The floating tank in Salt Shooter can be upgraded with various weapons, armor and other upgrades. Upgrades are earned by destroying enemy tanks and defeating the final boss, among other things.

One of the advantages of the Salt Shooter Game is that all levels can be repeated at a later date with the new upgrades.

Sodium2: Project Velocity

Sodium 2: Project Velocity is the first sequel to SodiumOne. It is (as opposed to SodiumOne) to a totally free ( freemium -) high-speed racing game, which in a sense of Wipeout similar -Gameserie.

Sodium2: Project Velocity was officially presented on the Playstation blog on December 10, 2010.

The game includes a single player mode that allows players to hone their skills and advance in the Sodium2 XP system. Players can build up experience points, complete missions, receive sodium credits or compete in the global leaderboard.

In addition to the single-player mode, Sodium2 has for the first time the multiplayer mode in the Playstation Home: users can compete in real time against their friends or other players from the network on a steadily growing number of slopes.

The jet racers or velocity racers get their upgrades in the Sodium2 garage. For example, players can upgrade their vehicle with explosive rocket boosters or find the right look for their vehicle from different color schemes. Upgrades are either paid for with sodium credits or purchased through the Playstation Store. New upgrades are constantly being developed and regularly put online.

After each race, players are rewarded with sodium credits and experience points for achieving various individual goals during the race. By collecting experience points, higher experience levels are achieved, which unlock previously blocked upgrades.

In multiplayer mode there is also a class system that prevents unfair competitions: upgrades are marked with a star system (1 to 5 stars). A user can then either adjust his vehicle to the respective star rating of a lobby or drive against players of the same level.

Sodium2: Project Velocity can be reached via the Sodium, the Navigator or a special teleporter on the Central Plaza.

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