Other income (Austria)

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The other income belongs to the external income and is exhaustively (exhaustively) listed in § 29 EStG.

Other income includes:

Recurring references

Recurring payments are payments ( § 29 Z1 EStG) that have not already been covered by the first six types of income. The following are not subject to tax:

  • voluntary benefits (honorary pension awarded by the Federal President)
  • Benefits to legally dependent persons, e.g. B. Alimony , care allowance
  • Benefits from supplementary pension insurance, provided that they meet the conditions of Section 108b of the Income Tax Act.

This term includes, in particular, pension payments, grants and other benefits that are based on a special, uniform reason for obligation or a uniform decision, e.g. E.g .: contract, law, will. The inflow of the reference is determined by its temporal regularity. The amount can vary (EST-RL margin no. 6602).

Particularly noteworthy are pensions in return: an asset is left against payment of a pension. This recurring payment only becomes taxable if the pension cash value exceeds the real value.
Example: Purchase of a property with a value of 150,000 EUR for a quarterly rent of 5,000 EUR. After receiving the thirtieth quarterly pension (150,000 / 5,000 = 30), every additional quarterly pension is subject to income tax.

Income from private property sales and speculative transactions

Sales transactions that are subject to more specific conditions are named in Section 29 subparagraph 2 of the Income Tax Act. Up until April 1, 2012, there was talk of sales (divided into speculative transactions and the sale of investments ). Since then, a distinction has been made between the following types of income:

Income from services

Income from services according to § 29 Z3 EStG is income from occasional brokerage and from the rental of movable objects, provided that these cannot be counted among the other types of income. The income from services is tax-free if it does not exceed EUR 220 in a calendar year. A loss cannot be compensated.

Feature fees

Functional fees are all monetary and non- monetary remuneration received by officials from public corporations, provided that these do not fall under Section 25 of the Income Tax Act (non-self-employed work). Functionaries (executive bodies) are e.g. E.g. President, chairman, board of directors (margin nos. 6613 - 6619).

Individual evidence

  1. Income Tax Directive 2000
  2. as of March 2012 see the section on sales in the old version of this Wikipedia article .