Sonus illiteratus

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Sonus illiteratus (German: non-literary piece of music ) is a seldom used medieval music term that occurs in the music tract of Johannes de Grocheo (approx. 1300), which deals with the music form of the Estampie .

According to Grocheio, the estampia preserved today belong to the Sonus illiteratus. The interpretation of this form of music as an instrumental piece is a misunderstanding because, according to the statements in the treatise (without text), it was performed (i.e. sung) with the “voce humana”.

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Individual evidence

  1. Johannes de Grocheo: The Music Act. After d. Sources new ed. with transl. to Dt. u. Audit report v. Ernst Rohloff. Reinecke, Leipzig 1943, DNB 57414109X.