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Specialisterne (Danish for "the specialists") is a Danish social enterprise that uses the skills of people with autism as a competitive advantage in the market. In Denmark, the company offers services such as software testing, quality assurance and digitization of data. The organization ensures that the consultants with diagnoses from the autism spectrum find the right working conditions. Specialisterne Denmark and the Specialisterne brand now belong to the Specialist People Foundation .


Founder's son Thorkil Sonne was diagnosed with early childhood autism. Thorkil Sonne recognized talents in him in childhood that could be used well on the job market, especially in the IT industry. In 2004 he founded Specialisterne to counteract the high unemployment rate of 80% among people with some form of autism.

In 2008, Sonne donated all of the company's shares to the Specialist People Foundation with the aim of creating 1 million jobs worldwide for people with autism.

In 2009 Thorkil Sonne became an Ashoka Fellow. In the same year he founded a school for adolescents with autistic perception.

In 2013 Specialisterne was founded in the USA, where the sun now also lives.

There are currently specialist organizations in Denmark and the USA as well as in Austria, Iceland, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, Ireland, Great Britain, Poland, Spain, Switzerland and Norway.

The dandelion is the Specialisterne logo. Often the dandelion is seen as an annoying weed. However, it is also a medicinal plant. So the value of the dandelion is in the eye of the beholder. A parallel was drawn with the hidden talents of people on the autism spectrum.

Specialists Austria

In 2011, Specialisterne Austria was founded as a non-profit association by Stephan Dorfmeister in Austria. The Essl Foundation and HIL Foundation support the business model. In 2015 Specialisterne was awarded the TRIGOS in the Social Entrepreneurship category.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/02/magazine/the-autism-advantage.html
  2. http://www.un.org/en/events/autismday/
  3. https://www.ashoka.org/fellow/thorkil-sonne
  4. http://www.wsj.com/article_email/SB10001424127887324094704579069090866313258-lMyQjAxMTAzMDAwODEwNDgyWj.html?mod=wsj_valettop_email
  5. http://at.specialisterne.com/ueber-specialisterne/
  6. http://www.trigos.at/trigos/gewinner