Language learning class

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The language learning class (also known as the German learning group or SLK ) in Bavaria aims to better integrate students for whom German is a second language into the German language and culture. The concept of language learning class has often led to misunderstandings in the past, since a language learning class is not a separate class in the sense of class formation, but an intensive form of internal differentiation. This is why this support measure will be referred to as the “German Learning Group” from the 2007/2008 school year.

In Lower Saxony , language learning classes have been part of the state's integration efforts since 2005 at the latest (cf. RdErl. D. MK of July 21, 2005 in SVBl 9/2005, p. 475ff) and can be set up at schools if there is demand. The number of students is at least 10, at most 16. The SLK is only intended for the area of ​​secondary school and for the respective students i. d. Usually limited to 1 year. During this time, the students should be encouraged to speak German in such a way that they can then follow the lessons in the regular classes independently. The SLK is primarily aimed at students who are also literate in German, i.e. H. have to learn to write and read the Latin alphabet at all. The children often lack any school experience, so that a lot of time is spent practicing school principles (punctuality, homework, independent work, class rules, etc.).

primary school

Primary school students receive intensive German lessons of up to 17 hours per week in the core areas (German, mathematics, and local studies and general knowledge lessons). In order not to isolate them in the German learning group from the children with German mother tongue (or from the children with sufficient knowledge of the German language), they are taught together in the arts and practical subjects .

secondary schools

At the secondary school (in grades 8 and 9), the German learning group primarily aims to enable foreign students to graduate successfully through intensive German lessons.