Disturbance of vitality

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Disturbance of vitality is a feature of the psychopathological findings . According to the AMDP system, this is about a feeling of lack of strength and energy and a lack of liveliness or momentum, which can be shown in rapid physical or mental exhaustion, tiredness, physical discomfort. This is a general feeling in contrast to isolated physical complaints, such as pain, which should be recorded in the somatic report. The disturbance of vitality in the AMDP system corresponds to the term increased fatigue in the ICD-10. In contrast, low drive in the AMDP system would correspond to the designation of reduced drive in the ICD-10. A disturbance of vitality, along with other symptoms, can indicate depression .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Working group for methodology and documentation in psychiatry: The AMDP system: Manual for the documentation of psychiatric findings . Hogrefe, 2018, ISBN 978-3-8444-2885-8 , pp. 91 ( google.de ).
  2. Fähndrich Erdmann, Stieglitz Rolf-Dieter: Guide to recording the psychopathological findings: Semi-structured interview using the AMDP system . Hogrefe Verlag, 2018, ISBN 978-3-8444-2930-5 ( google.de ).
  3. ^ Stieglitz Rolf-Dieter, Haug Achim, Kis Bernhard, Kleinschmidt Silke, Thiel Andreas: Practice book AMDP: Psychopathological assessment - basics and application examples . Hogrefe Verlag, 2017, ISBN 978-3-8444-2852-0 ( limited preview in Google book search).