Svalbard Post

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Svalbard Post
Editorial building of the Svalbardposten
description local Norwegian weekly newspaper
language Norwegian
Headquarters Longyearbyen , Svalbard
First edition November 1948
Frequency of publication friday
Sold edition 2636 copies
Editor-in-chief Hilde Kristin Røsvik
Web link

Svalbardposten (norw. For Die Svalbard-Post ) is a Norwegian weekly newspaper that appears in Longyearbyen on the island of Spitzbergen (norw. Svalbard ). It is the northernmost regular newspaper in the world.

The first edition appeared in November 1948. It is available worldwide by subscription (annual subscription Europe: 1260.00 Norwegian kroner ; as of February 2016). According to its own information, Svalbardposten has more subscribers than its actual catchment area has inhabitants. This can be explained by the population structure of Svalbard: Most of the residents only stay there for a few years, but years later still read the newspaper with the predominantly local information about Svalbard.

Since 1997 Svalbardposten has been running a website on which many articles in the current issue can be read. It also contains links to older issues.

Five people are employed in the editorial team.

In May 2011, Svalbardposten was named Local Newspaper of the Year (årets Lokalavis) for its "high journalistic standard" . The award was presented at a meeting of the Norwegian Local Newspaper Association ( Landslaget for Lokalaviser , LLA) in Oslo. The organization has over a hundred Norwegian newspapers.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Opplag for norske aviser 2014 tilsluttet. ( .xlsx ; 625 KiB) In: Mediebedriftees Landsforening og Landslaget for Lokalaviser, accessed on February 20, 2016 (Norwegian).
  2. Svalbardposten årets Lokalavis. In: Landslaget for Lokalaviser, May 8, 2011, archived from the original on November 4, 2011 ; Retrieved May 8, 2011 (Norwegian).