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SYMLOG ( Sy stem for the M ultiple L evel O bservation of G roups) is one of Robert F. Bales developed in the late 1970s method for the study of group processes. As a further development of Bales' interaction process analysis, it is distinguished from other models by its differentiation. In terms of the survey, it is based on the interaction signature developed for external observation and the adjective list, which is mainly used as a self- rating .

In 1983 the Symlog Consulting Group was founded in cooperation with Bales, which collects and supports the development and use of SYMLOG in six continents and thirty countries.

Brief description

The SYMLOG concept is based on the assumption that the behavior of individuals in groups can be described by three bipolar dimensions:

  • Dimensions : influence - socio-emotional orientation - task orientation, control
  • PoleU pward - D ownward / P ositive - N egative / F orward - B (ackward)
  • Description : influencing - not influencing (UD) / friendly, popular - unfriendly, unpopular (PN) / purposeful, controlled - emotional, expressive (FB)

Each of the three dimensions is made up of two directional components (usually offset against each other), which have their origin in the middle, the zero point of the dimensions. The trichotomization of the dimensions creates a three-dimensional space, the SYMLOG cube, in which, in addition to the central “average position”, 26 spatial positions are defined with which the various behaviors of the group participants can be described “typifying”.


  • Robert F. Bales, Stephen P. Cohen: SYMLOG. A system for multi-level observation of groups . Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 3-12-900811-X .
  • Christine Marx: The SYMLOG observation procedure in practice. Application, analysis and criticism . German Univ.-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2000, ISBN 3-8244-4439-9 .
  • Wolf Nowack: Interaction Diagnostics. SYMLOG as a feedback and research tool . Dadder, Saarbrücken-Scheidt 1989, ISBN 3-926406-25-9 .

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