Synod of Orange

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The Synod of Orange was a local synod held in 529. At this council in Arausio , today's city ​​of Orange in the south of France , both Pelagianism - as before by the Synod of Carthage (418) and the Council of Ephesus (431) - as well as the modified semipelagianism were condemned.

On the other hand, the teachings of Augustine by Hippo about original sin , unfree will and divine grace were confirmed. However, the teaching of the predetermination (was predestination ) is not confirmed, but discarded the double predestination as from the final word of the Bishop Caesarius of Aries apparent:

"But we not only do not believe that any kind of evil are predetermined by divine power, but, if there are some who want to believe so evil, we tell them with complete disgust: Anathema !"
[XXV. ... "Aliquos vero ad malum divina potestate praedestinatos esse non solum non credimus, sed etiam, si sunt, qui tantum malum credere velint, cum omni detestatione illis anathema dicimus."]

The synodic resolutions of the Concilium Arausiacanum II were recorded in 25 canons and confirmed by Pope Boniface II (pontificate 530-532).

The Council of Orange was never recognized by the Orthodox Churches , as they particularly reject Augustine's doctrine of the unfree will.


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