Hoopla current

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Tamtam aktuell was a radio show that was very popular in the 1970s and 1980s on the children's program of Sender Freies Berlin , which was broadcast on SFB 2 every working day at 3:05 p.m. and was mainly aimed at children of primary school age.

The special thing about the show was that it was not presented live from the studio by adults, but by two children between the ages of around 10 and 14. Usually the same children's teams were used on the same day of the week, so that there were usually five different casts, which often remained relatively stable over long periods of time, which also helped the program's recognition value. Most of these teams consisted of a girl and a boy.

Tamtam aktuell was 10 minutes long and always began with one of the children saying the half-sentence "Hello, this is Tamtam aktuell again ..." and the second child completed it with "... at five past three on SFB 2". The program started with news specially prepared for children, followed by one or two pre-produced articles (some also by children's presenters) and, at the end of the program, various current event tips for children.

Occasionally, the children also conducted interviews with (mostly locally) famous people and then broadcast them on the program. For example, there was an interview with Heidi Hetzer , who was still actively racing at the time.

Responsible for the content of the program and the support of the child speakers was the “Redaktion Kinderfunk” located on Theodor-Heuss-Platz , outside the SFB main building.

On Saturdays, instead of Tamtam , a radio play production was currently broadcast under the label “Tamtam, very large” from 2:20 pm to 3:00 pm.

In 1986, Tamtam Aktuell received an award for a program that illustrated the risk to pedestrians and cyclists from drivers turning right and their background.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Klaus Bruhn Jensen, Jan-Uwe Rogge: The media market for children in the Federal Republic . Tübingen Association for Folklore, 1980, p. 134 .
  2. The Senator for Economics and Transport (ed.): Report and statistics on road traffic and on measures to increase traffic safety in Berlin (West) . 1986, p. 42 .