Tandem rider

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Tandemer was shaped by Lebenshilfe Nordrhein-Westfalen during the football World Cup for people with disabilities in 2006 and describes a special form of “civic engagement”. People with and without disabilities support each other in carrying out different projects. The aim is to solve tasks together in partnership and using the respective skills; they form a tandem.


As part of the 2006 soccer world championship for people with (mental) disabilities in Germany, Lebenshilfe NRW introduced a new type of volunteer work. People with and without intellectual disabilities got involved together to help organize the event. So tandems u. a. Used as a handler in the stadiums or as a ticket tearer. The aim was to break down prejudices and reservations.

In 2009 the term tandemers was included in the German dictionary. A “tan / de / mer” is described as a “social worker who does an exercise together with a disabled person, for example in sports”.

The tandem model is very personal. Sympathy and common interests play a major role. But tandem partners are by no means permanently bound to one another. They often only come together on specific projects.