Subscriber operating class

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In ISDN and in other communications networks , subscribers can be assigned to a subscriber operating class (closed user group, CUG) that are restricted for external connections . Different authorizations can be assigned to the participants within a CUG, the assignment being based on the call number.

Different authorizations for participants of a participant operating class can be:

  • Authorizations for accepting or establishing connections only within the CUG
  • Authorizations to accept or establish connections outside the CUG
  • Authorizations for accepting or establishing connections with participants from other CUGs

The emergency calls 110 and 112 are not affected by the restrictions and can be set up by any subscriber.

Individual evidence

  1. Andreas Kanbach, Andreas Körber, ISDN - The technology , Hüthig GmbH Heidelberg, 1999, 3rd edition, ISBN 3-7785-2288-4 , p 99
  2. Andreas Kanbach, Andreas Körber, ISDN - The technology , Hüthig GmbH Heidelberg, 1999, 3rd edition, ISBN 3-7785-2288-4 , S. 100


  • 3GPP 22,085 Closed User Group (CUG) supplementary services; Stage 1 [1] ( ZIP ; 27 kB)
  • 3GPP 24,085 Closed User Group (CUG) Supplementary Services; Stage 3 [2] ( ZIP ; 18 kB)