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Televerket is a former Norwegian government agency founded in 1855 that operated telephone and telegraph services. Televerket was later replaced by Telenor . The first period was marked by the nationalization of private telephone companies; it was not until 1974 that Televerket took over the last private company.

Televerket was initially subject to the Telegrafstyret , which was incorporated into the Teledirektoratet in 1967 and is now run as Post og teletilsynet .


  • 1855 - Den Norske Statstelegraf is founded on January 1st; the first telegraph connection between Drammen and Christiania (today: Oslo) goes into operation
  • 1967 - Telegrafverket takes over the last local telephone system in Mandal
  • 1969 - Telegrafverket is renamed Televerket, data transmission over the telephone network is introduced
  • 1995 - on January 1st Televerket changes its name to Telenor AS (today a public limited company, i.e. Telenor ASA)

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