Territorial structure of the National Wrestling Association

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The National Wrestling Association was developed from 1930 to the national wrestling umbrella organization (English Wrestling Federation ) of the USA.

To this end, she introduced a territorial-based organizational structure, which was later also adopted and expanded by other wrestling organizers (English promotions ).

The United States of America has always been divided into different regions. And in these regions the National Wrestling Association used one or two major promotions to represent the National Wrestling Association externally. These main organizers were assigned to local leagues as sub-organizations (English. Affiliates ). In addition, there were associated leagues (English Associated Promotions ) and wrestling associations loosely affiliated with them (English Local Promotions ).

This structure was very similar to that of the later National Wrestling Alliance or the American Wrestling Association . The best known today is the territorial principle of the National Wrestling Alliance .

Tables with the NWA regions

Table with the regions ( states ) of the National Wrestling Association (Part I)

New England Mid-Atlantic East North Central West North Central East South Central
Maine new York Ohio Minnesota Kentucky
New Hampshire New Jersey Indiana Iowa Tennessee
Vermont Pennsylvania Illinois Missouri Alabama
Massachusetts Michigan North Dakota Mississippi
Rhode Island Wisconsin South Dakota
Connecticut Nebraska

Table with the regions ( states ) of the National Wrestling Association (Part II)

West South Central South Atlantic Mountain Pacific Territory
Arkansas Delaware Montana Washington Alaska
Louisiana Maryland Idaho Oregon Hawaii
Oklahoma District of Columbia Wyoming California
Texas Virginia Colorado
West Virginia New Mexico
North Carolina Arizona
South carolina Utah
Georgia Nevada