Tessy (software)

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Tessy is a tool for the automated module test of software written in C or C ++ . Tessy is particularly suitable for testing embedded software , as Tessy understands many of the C dialects used by cross-compilers for embedded systems and the tests are typically carried out on the embedded system. Tessy comes from the software research laboratory of Daimler AG , today Razorcat, in Berlin. The origins go back to the 1990s.

Functional principle of the module tests at Tessy

Tessy automatically determines the interface of the C function to be tested (the unit or the module). The interface essentially consists of the set of input and the set of output variables for this function. Tessy automatically generates the software for a test driver that allows the function to be tested to be called without the other C functions of the application. The user determines the test data with which the function to be tested is to be supplied and the expected results. Functions that are called by the function to be checked can be replaced by stubs with a defined behavior. Such stubs can check whether they were called with valid parameters and typically return constant values ​​with which the function to be tested should work (so-called mocking ). Test drivers and the function to be tested are compiled and linked by Tessy, usually with the cross-compiler for the embedded system in question. The tests are carried out by Tessy directly on the embedded system, but can also run on a PC. Actual test results are automatically compared to expected results.

Other properties

TESSY can repeat tests without user interaction, which is important for regression tests . In addition, TESSY automatically determines the test coverage.

Test case specifications are imported by TESSY using the classification tree method, because it is linked to the relevant tool, the Classification Tree Editor (CTE).

TESSY generates the test documentation in various formats, including Word , Excel , HTML . The user can largely determine the appearance and scope himself.

TESSY runs under Windows 2000 up to Windows 10.


  • The insiders guide to module / unit / integration testing of embedded software: embedding software quality. Hitex Development Tools, Karlsruhe 2009.

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