There She Is

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There She Is (떳다 그녀 !!) is a five-part series of short films animated with Adobe Flash by the Korean artist trio SamBakZa. It addresses a forbidden love between a rabbit and a cat that is not recognized by society. At the Anima mundi Festival in Brazil in 2004, the series won all three prizes for web animation.


There She Is !!

The little rabbit girl Doki has her eye on the young cat Nabi. He is anything but enthusiastic about this approach - just like the passers-by watching the scene. He tries to avoid his admirer, but she follows him everywhere. Nabi's attempt to explain that rabbits and cats shouldn't fall in love falls on Doki's incomprehensible ears. In the end he gives up and with a heavy heart accepts his role as the prince of her dreams.

Cake dance

Doki is celebrating her birthday and Nabi wants to surprise her with a large carrot cake. It's not that easy at all, because it is only with great difficulty that he manages to transport the cake undamaged through the crowded crowds in the city and to escape the wild animals that are after him. When he finally arrives at the bar , he is surprisingly confronted with the three-headed rabbit band Jjintta Set . They have already heard rumors about how he was supposed to have usurped the innocent rabbit girl, and angrily pounce on him. He tries to escape between them into the restaurant, but they catch him on the doorstep and the cake lands on the floor at Doki's feet. The Jjintta set now faces the angry party crowd, but Doki forgives the three attackers and invites them to join in the celebration. As the party gets livelier, the bunny girl cuddles up to Nabi and shows her affection openly. The party party is thrown out of the pub because the love between rabbits and cats is not seen there.

Doki & Nabi

Doki and Nabi have arranged to meet for their first rendezvous. While Doki is in a lively mood from the beginning, Nabi only thaws out over time. Although he can no longer hide his feelings during the meeting, he still fears the rejection of public opinion and the critical looks of passers-by. Towards the end of the date, more and more things go wrong, so that even Doki's good mood is slowly clouding himself at first. Finally, Nabi decides to invite her to a second rendezvous, and Doki enthusiastically accepts. The episode ends with someone throwing a stone in one of Nabi's windows at night.


The rejection that Doki and Nabi experience is increasing. The love between rabbits and cats has polarized society, so that those newly in love are exposed to hostility everywhere in public. While a small group campaigns for the rights of lovers, large demonstrations go through the city under the banner of “unmixed love”.

Doki gets caught in such an angry mob and is injured. When Nabi visits her in the hospital, he imagines her future in this hostile world. He cannot bear this thought and tries to protect her by leaving her. The leader of the Jjintta Set finds out about this and tries to bring him to his senses, but Nabi has lost all will and all hope. The two involuntarily get into a fight between the fronts and end up in prison. Doki had already got hold of two plane tickets to take her and Nabi to paradise. But now she has to go alone.


After spending a night in prison and finding a goodbye message from Doki on his cell phone, Nabi wanders aimlessly through the streets. When he sees a bare tree, which Doki has decorated with green ribbons, he remembers her confidence (“I thought that if the world wouldn't change, we would never reach happiness. But she ...”) and makes up his mind to win them back. He rushes to her apartment, but she is already on her way to the airport. Fortunately for him, he meets Doki's friends who do everything to get him there on time. At the airport, the demonstrators for and against the love between rabbits and cats face each other again. Doki walks between them under insults from both sides towards the terminal when Nabi appears out of breath at the entrance. The two fall into each other's arms and then run away from the angry demonstrators together.

The last scene shows her in the spring of next year cleaning the drinks machine in front of which they met for the first time. Together they remove the slogans that demonstrators have left there.



A young rabbit girl who falls in love with the cat Nabi and simply cannot understand why rabbits and cats should not (should) love each other.


He is the chosen one from Doki and has to suffer especially from the pressure of the relationship, since, unlike Doki, he feels the unfounded hatred of the rest of the population.

Jjintta set

The Jjintta Set is a group of musicians. It consists of Il-ho , the leader of the troop, Sam-ho , who wears a face mask, and Yi-ho , who can be recognized by his eye patch.


Each of the episodes was given a single title. So the title There She Is !! from Witches also the first episode their name. The second episode, Cake Dance, used the title Happy Birthday to Me by Bulldog Mansion . The episode Doki & Nabi was accompanied by the Korean band TACOPY and their title Sam-cha seong-jing . The last two episodes Paradise and Imagine used the titles Wolsik (A lunar eclipse) from Tabu and Imagine from Brunch .

Individual evidence

  1. Animemory 2004. Anima Mundi Film Festival, accessed on 23 September 2006 .

Web links