Total effective plant productivity

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Total effective plant productivity ( English Total Effective Equipment Performance , TEEP ) provides information on the utilization of production capacity . The TEEP includes the planned downtime and is a combined measure for the system utilization (English Equipment Utilization , EU) and the overall system effectiveness (English Overall Equipment Effectiveness , OEE).

At best, the TEEP value can be the same, but never greater than the OEE value and only range between 0% (no use) and 100% (full use of the available machine capacity).


This value is made up of the parameters system utilization and overall system effectiveness.



when calculating the EU according to Edward H. Hartmann, the following applies:

EU = (total availability time - planned downtime) / total availability time


  • Edward H. Hartmann: Successful introduction of TPM in non-Japanese companies .
  • Edward H. Hartmann: TPM Efficient Maintenance and Machine Management .