UHC Lenzburg

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The Lenzburg floorball club is a Swiss floorball club from Lenzburg .


Floorball has been played in Lenzburg since 1988, first under the ATV Lenzburg and Satus Lenzburg, and since 2004 as an independent club. Today the UHCL has over 150 active members, organized in 3 men's and 8 junior teams. The men's Fanion team has been playing on the large field since the 1999/2000 season and was able to establish itself in the 2nd league, where individual games over 3 × 20 minutes of playing time are played; previously the team played in the highest small field league. Since then, the junior training has also been consistently switched to the large field.

The A, B and C juniors have won their groups in the Swiss championships several times. The latest highlights are the championship title of the C-Juniors, the vice-championship title of the Juniors U18 and the group victory of the Juniors U21 in the season 2008/2009. Various former UHCL players are currently playing in higher (national) leagues or have played there in the past.

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